Selecting For Talent

Of all the HR processes, the most difficult to measure results is talent selection. More than 50% of organizations report that they are dissatisfied with the performance of their internal promotions and external hires. With hinds-sight, many organizations acknowledge they could have done a better job assessing the potential performance and contributions of employees. One reason for this is that it is impossible to assess missed opportunities and to obtain comparative data on performance from organization to organization.

Les was the pioneer of the Learning From Experience (LFE) Interview Process, which has helped many organizations realize substantial hiring successes from internal promotions to external hires. Research has shown that selecting for adaptability is the single most predictive capability for individuals to perform against future challenges and be successful. Instead of using an “off-the-shelf” behavioral interview product, Les customizes applications to focus on the results required for each position, aligned to the organizations strategic business plan. Enhancing the outcomes, Les offers skill training for interviews and selection decision makers in the following: 1) How to ask an open ended question; 2) The discipline to listen; and 3) “Knowing what to look for in responses.

Les customized interviewing application is a technology insertion into an organizations existing process. It is based on the realization that performance is heavily driven by the competencies required to achieve the results that customers require. The Learning-From-Experience interview process is structured so that the probes simultaneously assess competencies and adaptability. This has yielded significant success in hiring highly effective people, including in Fortune 100 organizations. For many organizations, Les’ selection approach has led to proven financial impact.